Tom Thumb Connection Hill

Tom Thumb 

 Tuesday 25 July 2023

This a walk I have done a few times and avoids a portion of fire trail walking     It is more enjoyable done as a circuit and is not overly scrubby and makes for more interest.  The route headed over the plains to the Mount Connection saddle and then it was just a matter of turning north and picking a way over the rising hill, dropping down to the small saddle with Tom Thumb.  

During the crossing of this area, which is effectively the eastern end of Mount Connection, we came upon cairns and tapes    I found it surprising and said I would avoid following them, so had to dismantle a few, which caused some amusement.

Once un the gully below Tom Thumb it was a fairly easy to locate a way to the top, but it was the descent that tricked and we missed a turn and got into a bit of a scramble before eventually getting back on track.

On firetrail back to cars

Thark Ridge from Tom Thumb

View of Tom Thumb from approach route

Open rocky top on route 

Collins Cap

Walk profile.

A photo album can be viewed by clicking here or from the image below.

Tom Thumb
