Heathy Hills

18 November 2015
It was only a year since first walking in the Heathy Hills Nature Reserve but the rock arch there was so stunning that I was keen to return.  Previously, which was October 2014 we had to ford the Jordan River but this time it was simply a matter of walking over the drying mud.  The other change was that now there were tapes and rock cairns marking the way, whereas before it was unmarked; I much prefer the old conditions. As it was we departed from the tapes and wandered to the arch via some cliffs and caves, but after leaving the arch we again met tapes.
Under the Arch and Adrian
The arch area was just as enjoyable as previously and we spent some considerable time there. The remainder of the walk was to the high point on the same side of the gorge and then back along the cliff tops on the northern edge.  Below was another gorge with cliffs of a smaller third section of the hills. Parts along our route were mighty dry and there was the variety of flowering bushes as we had found the previous year on the wider plateau of the other side.
Ozothamnus and far north cliffs and hill 
It was also a shorter walk being 5.27k and taking 4:40 hours.
Click the image below for the photo album

Heathy Hills 2015

Heathy Hills 2015

 The route taken on the walk HeathyNorth
