Grasstree Hill
Saturday 26 June 2010
The route to Grasstree Hill commenced from agate soon after the bay at Catchpole Gully and followed a track over three hills before the final off track rocky ascent to Grasstree. Whilst having morning tea on one of the hills a chap turned up to set up an orienteering course to be held the next day.
After the ascent of Grasstree we followed a vehicle track for a short distance before heading over the hill top and then picked up another track circling round the top of Bourbon Creek gully where we found a warm sunny spot for lunch. From there it was a matter of walking down the broad flanks to join with the track at Quoin Gully. Along here the first grasstrees were spotted.
On the final leg, on the track on the hill above the dam we met at about 3:20 a couple who had been informed that they could walk on a track from there up under Grasstree Hill and back to Risdon Brook; we did enlighten them and wished them luck. I think the reality of the task would have set in soon after for them. For us it was another 45 minutes to the cars, arriving there at touch after 4:00.
There was universal agreement that we had a good day capped off with pleasant weather.
superbe fotografii,bravo