Mount Hull Loop

Tuesday 24 January

Pink Mountain Berry

Most of the walk was on fire trails, until turning off for the section up and over Mount Hull. It was debated whether we ascend Hull from the northern side and descend to the saddle on the southern end.  The only advantage to that way would be if it was decided to continue the prominent knoll further south, involving an addition 500 metres of walking each way.
Party on the Mount Hull summit

The decision was to tackle Hull from the south and that may have given us the advantage of seeing what is known as Leamans Knob. By going the reverse could easily have meant that it was bypassed without being noticed.

The route up that we took had several cairns and sometimes tape and was reasonable walking terrain. The summit plateau has several flat rocky areas that make attractive gaps in the bush, one of which we had lunch on.  Unfortunately, one of these also had a lot of healthy Erica, most of which got pulled out, but a few big ones remain.
Rocky torn known as Leamans Knob

We walked a bit over 1k looking for the rock tor, known as Leamans Knob, without success. Whilst descending by the much rougher northern face we managed to spot our search rock, about 300 metres from the summit.

In all the distance, including the over 1k searching about, was 14.7k and the time taken was 7 Ā½ hours.

More photos here

Route including search track points

Close up of the GPS track with the search included.


  1. Hi Peter, you may be interested to know that the cairn on Mount Hull was constructed by Private John Wood of the Royal sappers and Miners in 1855. It was one of several interconnected cairns he erected in the area. Another was on Mt Faulkner where the fire watching station is now erected. The Leahmans Knob is new to me. We'll go looking for it next time we go up there. I see you went up the Montrose Trail, we usually go up via Collinsvale from the Mount Hull Road via the Mount Hull Trail and then up the small hill SW of Mount Hull. Cheers, Bruce

  2. I have usually gone via Hull FT, but Dave wanted to walk this way through Goat Hills. That is interesting about the cairn, we wondered what the origin was.


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